construction work for water towers., elektrické prietokové alebo zásobníkové ohriev, hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen., electric rotary converters., construction work for ski lifts., diagnostic systems., fire-alarm systems., ihly na šitie a pletacie ihlice, náprstky, horse or hand-drawn carts and other non-mechanically-propelled vehicles., data-transmission equipment., data collection and collation services., elektrické čajovary, dance-instruction services., farmárske, požovnícke a rybolovné produkty, electrical installation work of transformers., hry a hračky; lunaparky, drinking water., electrical equipment for engines and vehicles., fleet management, repair and maintenance services., demontážne práce, gleje, engines., gambling and betting services., game-propagation services., elektronické analytické váhy, dekoračné predmety, fžaše, džbány a fioly, film equipment., časti ručných nástrojov, electrical engineering installation works.