fotografické a doplnkové služby, first-aid boxes., drobné kancelárske vybavenie, chocolate., construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses., digestory, fire-extinguishers installation work., bricklaying work., construction and ancillary works for telephone and communication lines., čítačka a/alebo vypažovačka digitálnych univerzálnych diskov (dvd), construction work for commercial buildings., dance-instruction services., dláta, construction work for highways., canteen and catering services., fotografické blesky, data capture services., construction work., car telephones., elektronické integrované obvody, energetika a súvisiace služby, čistiace prostriedky na podlahu, chladiace a ventilačné zariadenia, fire-alarm systems., cereal grain products., data-processing machines., čerpadlá odpadových vôd, construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subw, clinical chemistry system., cereal products.